pp108 : Embedded Sub-process

Embedded Sub-process

This topic describes the embedded sub-process group construct.

The embedded sub-process is a BPMN group construct used to group activities that belong to a particular context. This helps to hide complexity of activities by collapsing an embedded sub-process. It also helps to link time-outs, exceptions and compensates which are common for all activities within the embedded sub-process.

  • When a Time-out event is attached to an embedded sub-process, all incomplete tasks are removed from the Inbox.
  • If 'terminate activity' is encountered during execution, then all incomplete tasks are removed from the Inbox, and the activity is set to 'Obsolete'. This status is visible from the PIM activity view. Terminate indicates that the embedded sub-process is terminated and the process flow execution continues from next activity (after embedded sub-process).
    The embedded sub-process construct is graphically represented as follows:

Related tasks

Setting the Properties of an Embedded Sub-Process